Friday, March 19, 2010

To Holliday on Holiday

Spring Break has been very relaxing and for the most part, non-productive...I guess I needed this to just regroup and shift gears. Today, I went to Holliday, Texas with a friend to pick up a little buckskin colt. We listened to some awesome music on the way there (J Parsons and Dave Walburg (or something like that).
There were A LOT of horses. His studs are from great lineage!Mares and Colts
Got 'im loaded without any rodeoin' at all!


Last week we also paid a visit to my pastor (Western Trail Cowboy Church). He has a leather business out at his place. His nephew, Ty and a friend, Lucas (Vernon College guys)were also on Spring Break, so they decided to stay the week in a tepee out on Pastor's spread, and break some colts. It was a cold, windy (what's new?) day, when we were there, but it sure was fun to watch them work with those young colts.

That's my Pastor on the left smokin' a pipe! He's a great guy!

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