Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ahhhh, SPRING!

Each Spring, we hope and pray for decent rains.  Vernon was in a stage 5 drought, but with God's love and amazing grace, we have received enough in this county to downgrade to a stage 3! Although the wheat harvest was way less than minimal, the grass is more lush than it's been in a long time, the cacti have pushed some beautiful blooms into view and a pair of flitty swallows have spent the better part of 2 weeks dobbing a nest together, one beak-full of sticky mud at a time.  I didn't have the heart to destroy what they so faithfully had started to we're sharing the beautiful porch views together! 

Of course, Zack brought home another surprise...a gorgeous bull snake found on the road as he came home from town one night. It sure was mad, hissing and coiling up as he released it in the house!

School breathed its last breath at the end of May...we had an awesome time taking the kids to the city waterpark.  Although not prepared to take part, I couldn't help myself when the kids all begged me to go down the slide! We had a blast!!!

I'll MISS these lil' rugrats!

 Spring brings the Wheaties into Wilbarger County. Huge combines, wheat chaffing in the air and lights in the fields all night.  The rain kept the workers out of the fields for a bit, but my wheat was finally cut and sold.

Cut wheat in front of the house...

Spring brings cattle work too.  I helped Scott and Greg gather and work cattle a few weeks ago.  It was with great anticipation that I  left the house at 5am to meet everyone.  Ed was laid up with an eye injury, so I rode Chicago, one of Greg's mustangs.  

Early morning at the pens....
Sorting and loading...

Bunched up and waiting...

Lance, ropin' and draggin' calves
 Scott, Greg, Joe Ed, Cory and Cole - I gave up my syringe so I could get a shot. Regular spring work - castrating, ear notching, vaccinating, and branding.

Runnin' the mamas through the chute... The ranch owner was a wonderfully beautiful and very petite, Chinese woman. What a blessed day! It felt so great to be back in the saddle. After that, we went and checked a couple different pastures, so it was a full day and it felt AMAZING!

Ed spent a few days at the vet due to an ulcer in his eye.  During the last storm, something blew into his eye and punctured his eyeball.  

A catheter was put in, with a perforated disk up under his eyelid, to allow the meds to be released slowly and wash over his eyeball. The tubing was run up between his ears and superglued down his mane into position. The port made it SO MUCH easier to administer the drops.

He was finally released to go home without the catheter. The flyhood gave some protection, but after 2 days of being home, he somehow lost the hood and I have yet to find it...Biscuit sure was happy to have him back.  He had jumped the hotwire multiple times while Ed was away and was seen down the road in diligent search of his buddy.  Such a dedicated and selfless friend.

 Great fun at the Shiplet's home for Deiter and Taylor's wedding shower!

As an answer to prayer, I was hired for summer school as well as the Boys and Girls Club until mid July. Although it's a long day (8:30-5pm), I am so thankful for the work and have really bonded with the kids.  Zack is working at Waggoner's again on the lawn crew, so he's up and gone by 6:30am.  SO much to be thankful for, as God's grace and love amaze me everyday. Praise His holy name!

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