JEWELS FOR COWGIRLS- and Facebook: Turquoise Cowgirl
Sunday, April 8, 2012
If you are like me, we were raised knowing that Easter is a traditional American holiday celebrating the resurection of Jesus following his crucifixion; however, like most children, that understanding holds a fairly superficial place in their life, in terms of the depth of what all of that truly means. What comes to mind at Easter time, most often in the minds of children (and some adults), is Easter egg hunts, baby chicks that have been chemically dyed in soft pastels, candy, Easter rabbits, ham dinners with our family and attending a morning church service in new dresses, fancy hats and 3-piece suits.
As we grow older, some of us have the amazing opportunity to be witnessed to about who Jesus truly is, what He can do in our lives and the extreme importance of knowing where your eternity will be spent. For others, that opportunity is never presented. For some, the witnessing and acceptance of Jesus in their heart does not occur until they're on their deathbed. Which group are you a part of? Have you lost the true meaning of Easter? Have you made that all-important decision to accept Christ as Lord and Savior of your life? As far as Easter eggs go, an egg can represent 'new life' because new life hatches from the egg. Jesus was resurrected on the third day - giving us 'new life' in Him - so that's the correlation. But just like Christmas, the real meaning seems to have been forgotten. For those of us who are believers, we understand what Easter is all about. But for those who haven't experienced this 'new life' in Jesus, I want to share with you an Easter story that I found on
In Old Testament times, the priest would bring bulls, goats or a spotless lamb without any blemishes to be sacrificed as a sin offering for himself and for the people. The blood would purify and make atonement (forgive, make amends) for their sins. This was the old order of atonement. When Jesus came, He was a representation of the sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the world. He was the final sacrifice. We no longer have to sacrifice animals to make atonement for our sins. Jesus has done this once and for all. It's His blood that cleanses us from all sin. He was crucified on the cross. The sin of the world was upon Him, yet He was without sin and blameless. He bore it all. This is why Jesus is referred to as the 'Lamb of God'. He was bodily resurrected (came back to life) on the third day. He appeared to many - eating and drinking with them. He appeared to them for 40 days, then ascended (went up to) Heaven. Acts 1: 1-11
During my childhood, my family attended church on Easter, Christmas and a slight handful of other celebrations. Against "my will", I attended confirmation class as an early teen...but truly never lived my life with Jesus, church or my personal salvation as a vital focus for my future. It wasn't until much later in my adult life when I accepted Jesus into my heart and was saved. The year was 1991 and I had only been married a mere 3 years. I was attending the Church of God in Trinity, Texas and it was the evening service. Dyke was not with me, but I was with Tim and Linda - our very close friends and employers at the time. They were so instrumental in witnessing to me and introducing me to life with Jesus, that I too, grew a strong desire for personal Salvation, and I will eternally love them for that. It was an amazing evening, and the Holy Spirit filled the room. I truly do not remember the actual message, but I will never forget the tugging at my heart to go forward and accept Christ. I knew that my time had come and there was no denying it. Kneeling at the alter, I remember the instant when I was touched by Jesus and from that night forward an excitement, a peace, a comfort and a grounded-ness filled me. I knew my life would never be the same and now that Jesus was in control, I had nothing to worry about. I journaled after the service and I keep the account of that night in my bible, so that I can reflect on it whenever I wish. When you know that you know that you know that Christ is Lord of your life, and you feel the amazing love, peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit within you...there is no greater feeling! Receiving the faith and belief in the promises of His word and knowing that He will never leave or forsake you - well, it's most difficult to pen those emotions. It's unmistakable, undeniable, and oh so powerful!
Of course, as humans, we are born sinners and there have been many in my path and it is through daily devotion to God's word that my daily sins are identified and repented of...but through the unconditional, unceasing love and goodness of my Jesus, there is full forgiveness and a desire to live my life the best way I can for Jesus. Everyone has a story. Those stories who include Jesus' touch or even a miracle straight from God are the ones that confirm, strengthen and excite me about what God can do in someone's life. I know, because I am living proof.
Life with Christ is certainly not problem-free, don't get me wrong. I have been through some very dark valleys and severe struggles, but when you know the touch of God, or you have heard that small still voice, and you know His promises are true...those are the things that you cling to in the dark depths, in order to get through the turbulent storms of this life on Earth and God is always there holding your hand. I TRULY don't know where I would be, what I would be like or how I could cope with what this world throws at me, if I didn't have my sweet Jesus by my side.
I hope and pray that this blog will be a catalyst for anyone out there reading my posts, that is tired of living the way they are in "the world". You can't be a "luke-warm" believer - God's word states that if you are, He will spew you from His mouth, never knowing who you were...
Anyone seeking purpose in life and the peace and comfort that only God can give...answer the knock at your heart. Don't ignore it, don't deny it and please don't wait until it's too late. Do you know where your spirit will spend eternity? There is a reason you are reading this today-it is not a coincidence. Life is so precious and we have no control over what happens in this life on Earth. Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven...The bible says so. If you believe in God and the bible, but think that there are other ways to get to heaven... you are sorely mistaken! John 14:6 - Jesus says," I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."
Go For It - it's free, it's the truth, it's the answer and it's not too late. The happiest of Easters to you all...Praise His name and rejoice in the millions of blessings that God bestows on us each and every day! Make the move that will change your life forever!
May God Keep and Protect You Always!
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