Monday, February 13, 2012


 Dyke, his brother and another game warden all decided that they didn't have enough chicken in the freezer, so they all pitched in and bought 100 broiler chicks to raise and then butcher. Of course, Dyke offered to host the hatchery and this is what now occupies the back end of the old water trough serves as the brooder and with a sack of pine shavings, a couple heat lamps and a tarp, he was in business! 

Last night, before I slipped between my flannel sheets and down comforter, this is what I saw out the window...snow, snow and more blowing snow! (lit up by the farm light, it looks to have a nice warm glow, but in fact it was 20 degrees!!!)

What it looked like before I headed out to do chores...
Luckily, the schools had a delayed start, so I headed out to do chores @ 7:00...even through my coveralls, it was cold...broke some ice so Biscuit and Ed could drink and then threw some hay.

The kitties had sought refuge through the night in the haybarn...


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