Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Oh, goodness...it's been quite a while since I have posted...I think we need a new computer...it has taken me 4 days to upload these photos (at least it has seemed that long)....

Things on the farm have been great - the arctic weather was swept out of here in a hurry and we have even had days that reached 80 degrees!!!! Zack, of course, was lovin' every waking moment of that! Jake went with some friends from college, to New Mexico (3 hr drive) to snow ski at Angelfire. They had a blast, but he had only been skiing one time in his mere existence on this planet and that was when he was 7!! The second day, he shucked the skis and strapped on a snowboard, with which he has never done! He said that 6 people told him that he should be wearing a helmet! When I delved deeper into more details of this winter adventure that he survived, his response was, "You only live once, Mother!"

Ohhhh, the worries!!!

Anyway, here are some updates since the last posting!

A good friend who goes to Mexico at Christmas time to visit her relatives, brought me this bottle of "REAL" vanilla! Oh, it is SOOOO not the same as the Walmart version! You outta try it sometime if you can find some!

I have blogged since 2007 and wanted so much to print each of my postings, for posterity purposes...well, I could never figure out how to print and I thought all of those memories, stories, photos and happenings were just going to be lost in computer space...until.....I.......happened across........this AMAZING website.....where you can..................PRINT YOUR BLOG!!!

Woo-hoo! It's called www.print2blog.com

After a few clicks, a hard cover (or soft cover for less mulah), bound, book is created!! Here's the front cover of mine...

My blogs, (yes, all of them), compiled into a near 300 page book, complete with a table of contents, page numbers, color photos and ALL of the blogs that I have ever posted!
Here's what the inside looks like! OMG...IT IS FABULOUS! If you are a blogger...YOU WOULD LOVE TO HAVE ONE! Check it out on line!
Changing topics, quite drastically....Dyke and Zack have been minnow-seining in the rivers and have been catching gallons upon gallons of "minners" for their catfish bait (punch bait/stink bait...wickedly nasty, grotesque, vomit-inducing, stain your skin and clothing for God's eternity concoction.)

You start with live minnows. (Yes, that's my water trough that has now become a bait tank!) Make sure you have an aerator to provide enough oxygen to keep them swimmin'.

Next, you dip them out of the trough with a strainer, spread them out on something flat (An old rusted water trough works great!) and let them suffer, flop and bake in the sun 'til they draw their last breath.

Poor minners!

NEXT - scrape them into a 5 gallon bucket, add some menhayden oil and let the mixture cure for a couple of weeks...

BE SURE TO PUNCH AND MIX WITH A STOB. (that means, mix it well with a stick) Once the minnows congeal as one glob, add some "cheese" and some beef tallow...mix some more, wait a few more weeks and VOILA!


Switching gears.........

After school last week, we went out to fix a turkey feeder at our friend's hunting lease on the Red River. It was a spectacular afternoon and the views were astounding! When you can see 360 degrees, a camera just can't capture the sight! (but here's a try at it....)

scrubby pasture land

Red River Flood Plain

Zack and Dyke standing on the bluff, looking out at the Red River bottom land

Scouting for wildlife!

Fixing the turkey feeder

Another afternoon last week, as I was driving home, the sun was setting and it was absolutely amazing...again, the colors that God paints His sunsets are certainly not able to be captured by camera.

Almost home...

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear what's goin on up North again! I miss you - and yes, I love that vanilla, too!
