Sunday, November 28, 2010


It just doesn't seem possible that the Thanksgiving dishes are washed and put away, our first hard frost has come and gone and the cows are ready to come up to the barn to seek refuge from the steady north wind.

Winter on the Plains can be barren, sterile and severe.

The Red River Valley Museum hosted a reception for their "Only Vernon", exhibit. It was a wonderful reception and a chance for the public to share in and enjoy work by some local Vernon artists.

Gourds n' Susie

Handmade saddle by Larry

Handmade Boots by Dew- local bootmaker and former Waggoner Ranch cowboy

Bits, Belts and Spurs by Greg-Vernon's County Judge

Western Pillows/Wire Wrapped Bracelets by Luanne
Western Buckles by Dee

Framed Artwork by Beth - Veterinarian

Bits, Jewelry and Belts by Tony - Postmaster

Intarsia (the art of inlaid wood) by Phil
Native America by his wife, Mary Ann

Turquoise, Fur & Western Decor by Su

We were all invited out to one of the artist's beautiful adobe hacienda-style home for a post reception. It was a glorious day to celebrate all that we are thankful for - good friends, good food, laughter, sunshine and God's blessings each day.

Wyman had another booksigning at the gorgeous Truscott Lodge in Truscott, Texas. It was a magnificent venue!

It was a pitch-black night. On the way home, you couldn't help but notice the moon. It was GLORIOUS! (even though this photo is horrendous, it reminds me of the beauty that the night holds.)

On a different note, our school invited some local Cherokee to display Native American items and exhibit their dance skills. The kids loved it!

Our cotton stripping began yesterday - a month earlier than normal. Hopefully it will be a good crop, as cotton prices are up.

Although our lives are dotted with challenges and trials, the very things that He uses to draw us closer to God and our faith in Him, always remember to keep your heart and focus on His love, goodness, grace and mercy. Give thanks in all situations and know that God loves you and cares about what you're going through.

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