Sunday, September 26, 2010


Oooo-weeee! Much has happened since my last posting, but the reins have been 'a flappin' in the wind and time has totally and completely run away with me!

Finally, when Jake returned from college 2 weekends ago, we all worked to get the 'quickly aging bull calves', cut! Since the process involves ropin',wrestlin' and holdin' (no chutes at this outfit) before the cuttin' takes place, we have not been able to get this chore behind us until now. They should have been cut a month ago...but, now I can check that one off the to-do list.

I planned to include some photos, but there was never a free hand to grab the camera! Even when I made the last cut, thoughts of photographing the evidence quickly faded as I watched Jess (our young lab) slurp down the last testicle!

Zack was checking fences one afternoon and came home with this lovely surprise.

Duck season has opened, so Zack's alarm has been chiming at 5:30 am. In the early morning darkness he takes the 4-wheeler across the pastures to a neighboring pond. This morning, he got lucky...a green wing teal.

Of course, he grilled himself some fresh teal wrapped in bacon, for Sunday breakfast! He's saving all the feathers from his ducks this season, to make himself a feather pillow to sleep on...he says the musty smell of fresh duck feathers is better than any expensive cologne on the market!

Yesterday, Vernon had an event around the courthouse square to raise money for the restoration of buildings and historical places in Vernon. Luanne and Sarah and I had a booth! It was fun and we did pretty well. Here's Sarah before the crowds got there...

Dyke returned from his annual elk hunt with Biscuit. They had a "good misery" as always, but were unsuccessful. Biscuit did better than the last journey north - didn't escape - but just in case, Dyke tethered a cowbell around his neck, so he'd at least be able to hear his movement if he did decide to sneak away.

Home Sweet Home


Ahhhh, Colorado!

What is that noise??

Just a' waitin'

Two days after he returned home, another warden called to see if Dyke wanted to join him on his elk back to Colorado he went -without Biscuit this time. Dyke bugled and his buddy bowhunted. A big 5X5 was called in and Shea was able to get the fatal shot! No pics yet, but it was an exciting and successful second go-round kill.

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