We've definitely had some cold days so far...25 degrees is the lowest so far...Tomorrow, we're supossed to get an arctic blast, so in addition to the pasture grasses and "syrup lix" for the cows, we tried some cotton burrs (from our gin) for the first time...2 loads @ 2 tons each. Even though the cattle weren't sure what to do with them at first, they soon realized that they were pretty dang tasty. A lot of ranchers feed cotton burrs for the high protein content...I was happy to try anything that would keep them at bay from tearing down the fences to get to the green winter wheat that is only about 5 inches tall at this time...That wheat sure must taste good though, the cattle have been out for 4 days straight! It's no fun to come home (in the dark) after 7 hours of 7 year olds, basketball practice, a speedy Walmart run, post office for mail and finally out to the farm to find that they're all out in the wheat...CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY! The thoughts of sliding into my PJ's, making supper and relaxing by the fire were soon destroyed into a billion pieces never to be recovered again! Without the 4-wheeler, the "darked-out" search and rescue would not be possible!
"What do we do with this stuff?"
With 12 more hens added to the flock, and a clean henhouse, hay in the laying bins and full feeders, the chicks are ready for the winter too!
"PPPLEEEEAAASSEEE can I come in the chicken pen with you? I promise I won't bother a single fowl...I just want to sniff around -I love the smells in there!"