It was sad to realize that Jake's high school football career will be over after the next game. Their season has not been a good one, and for the seniors, that will not be a good memory.
JEWELS FOR COWGIRLS- www.turquoisecowgirl.etsy.com and Facebook: Turquoise Cowgirl
The whole mounted shooting thing is pretty cool! We were ready to sign up and hit the road with the shooters (or at least I was)! The World competition was being held in Amarillo the following weekend, so this was the last of the National competitions. There were riders from Tennessee, Florida, California, Texas, and all other areas of our great nation. There were families, moms and daughters, retired doctors, lawyers, accountants, nurses, young and old... a really neat "hobby". They dress in period clothing and the outfits were really cool! Each shooter had 2 pistols harnessed/holstered - mostly with shoulder/chest holsters. The guns were beautiful and heavier than I thought! I don't know how they ride at a full gallop and shoot! There was only black powder in the guns, so the heat and flash of the powder burning was what popped the balloons...no projectile.
On Thursday, the big rigs starting rolling in...HUGE 18 wheeler cabs pulling 25 foot horse trailers with full dressing quarters, showers, A/C and the works! It was an eye opening experience! The people were so very friendly and glad to be there and their horses were phenominal! Ranging in price from 5,000-30,000, these steeds didn't flinch a muscle when that black powder exploded near their head/neck
To learn more about the shooters, go to: http://www.gulfcoastmountedshooters.com/
Here are some pictures that my friend Susie took - she should work for National Geographic - her photography is FABULOUS!