When Dyke is involved in constructing something - it's built to last for generations.
The wind on the plains is incessant and unceasing, and when you add the furnace-like summer sun variable, things just wither and suck back into the earth. We have tried gardens and orchards in the past...once mid July hits, nothing produces and the wind and sun just rip into the plants and it's an instant death. This year, we decided to locate it behind the house (used as a windbreak) as well as adding a concrete curbing and picket fence to aid in the growth and production of fresh veggies for the summer and fall.
It was a family affair that spanned 2 days of our Spring Break. The forms were built, chickenwire and rebar were added for strength and the concrete was poured by hand. I was the Mixing Queen. Using an electric concrete mixer, made the job much easier than mixing it in a wheelbarrow - I've done that before and this was a piece of cake! Sand, water, portland cement...3:1 ratio - a few rotations in the mixer and it was ready to pour.
Hopefully, the next addition will be some laying hens - the young chicks don't seem to make it too well around here with all of the varmints, so I am hunting for some adult layers to keep these 4 roosters company!
Only 9 more Saturdays until summer vacation! Yee-Haw!