Vernon's 4-H show ended on Tuesday and by Thursday, the boys' boss from the feedstore was calling Jake on his cell phone to come "catch" this big white show turkey that just showed up in their yard in town that evening. Jake gathered it up and it rode in the backseat of his pick-up watching their trip from between the seats...clucking as they went! I temporarily dubbed him Houdini, and we tried to introduce him to the chickens in the henhouse, but the roosters were certainly not hospitable and wouldn't have this newcomer around, so they started in on pecking the feathers from Houdini's crown and trying to spur it to death. We had to whisk it away from there and keep it in the dog pen, so the dog's wouldn't kill it. It just wasn't a good place for it to inhabit, so I called the young boy to our east and they were glad to give it a good home among their menagerie!
JEWELS FOR COWGIRLS- and Facebook: Turquoise Cowgirl
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Homemade Chairs, Lost Turkeys and Midnight Balls!
ZACK'S NEW INVENTION! With the end of duck season, Zack felt a MAJOR void in his life...especially since it was too cold to catfish...His creative juices seem to be flowing lately to make up for the lack of "something to do", as he spends hours in the barn just creating...he built this chair for the pond, so when it is warm enough to fish, he can do it in comfort! When I went out to celebrate the finished product, I discovered that my good throw-rug from the laundry room had been staple-gunned to the seat as a cushion! That boy!!!!! He has also been hand whittling fishing bobbers! The barn is a total mess as he is like the Tazmanian Devil, leaving a disaster in his wake wherever he goes!